Helen Thomas says in her Op/Ed piece reprinted below people are looking for “answers;” I think working people are looking for answers along with real solutions to long-festering problems which are creating havoc with their lives and untold human misery.
Now that Minnesota has a veto-proof DFL dominated State Legislature there are no excuses for not delivering on real solutions to peoples’ problems:
· Single-payer universal health care
· Saving the St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant through public ownership
· Reform of unemployment compensation laws making it so employers don’t have the upper hand in the Appeals Process
· A moratorium on all home foreclosures and evictions
· A substantial increase in the Taconite Tax
· A substantial increase in stumpage fees
· A halt to peat mining in the Big Bog in Minnesota’s Pine Island State Forest
· Legislation to protect the Mississippi Headwaters
· Halt the contamination of our streams, rivers and lakes by United States Steel’s MinnTac operation
· Real property tax reform
· Slash college tuitions
· Protect the rights of Minnesota’s more than 20,000 casino workers who the MN DFL shamefully threw into smoke-filled working environments at poverty wages without any rights under state or federal labor laws
Working people are expecting the MN DFL to move swiftly and decisively in the upcoming legislative session as it opens in February; working people expect the MN DFL to work in their favor after years of corporate greed attacking working class families and dominating the political landscape.
Let the corporate CEO’s do the crying for a change; tax corporate profits to the hilt to pay for everything.
Give the Republicans and the corporate CEO’s real reasons to cry.
Every working man and woman is watching what the Minnesota Democratic Farmer-Labor Party is going to do with its veto proof powers… if the MN DFL can’t come through for working people now there is no reason for working people to continue making the trip to the polls on Election Day… at least not to pull the DFL lever.
This upcoming legislative session will be seen as a test drive by Minnesota working class voters… Are you listening Senator Jim Metzen and the DFL members of the Senate Committee on Business, Industry and Jobs… you had better do what is required to save these 2,000 jobs of those employed at the St. Paul Ford Twin Cities Assembly Plant… those 2,000 workers have families to feed, clothe, house and PAY TAXES… they have the VOTE, too.
Here is a little “To Do List.” I would encourage everyone to start calling Senator Jim Metzen the Chair of the Senate Committee on “Business, Industry and Jobs” along with his colleagues on the Committee insisting that SF 607 (Legislation to help save the Ford Plant, Hydro Dam and 2,000 jobs) be brought back for reconsideration by the Committee:
Sponsor: Senator Richard J. Cohen
Motor vehicle manufacturing plant maintenance requirement.
What you can do:
* Please contact the following Minnesota State Senators and request that SF 607 be reconsidered.
* Please ask these Senators how they voted the first time, and if they will bring this legislation forward for reconsideration.
Remember, there is now a veto proof State Legislature here in Minnesota and this Committee is completely dominated by DFL Senators.
Start calling, the new legislative session is set to open in February
The following Democrats are on the Senate Committee on Business, Industry and Jobs:
Senator James Metzen, Chair: 651-296-4370 ; Home: 651-451-0174
Lisa Sarne is Senator Metzen’s Legislative Assistant: lisa.sarne@senate.mn
United Automobile Worker Local 879 helped initiate this legislation… contact: Bob Killeen, Secretary-Treasurer: rjkuaw879@yahoo.com
Senator Kathy Saltzman, Vice Chair: 651-296-4166
Senator Tom Bakk: 651-296-8881
Senator Terri Bonoff: 651-296-4314
Senator Jim Carlson: 651-297-8073
Senator Ron Latz: 651-296-8065
Senator Steve Murphy: 651-296-4264
Senator Linda Scheid: 651-296-8869
Senator Rod Skoe: 651-296-4196
Senator Dan Sparks: 651-296-9248
Senator David Tomassoni: 651-296-8017
Here are the Republican members for what its worth…
Senator Dick Day: 651-296-9457
Senator Chris Gerlach: 651-296-4120
Senator Joe Gimse: 651-296-3826
Senator Amy Koch: 651-296-5981
Senator Geoff Michel: 651-296-6238
Senator Thomas Neuville: 651-296-1279
Senator Julie Rosen: 651-296-5713
Ok, here is Helen Thomas’ Op/Ed piece…
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2008 10:15 PM
To: Alan Maki
Subject: Democrats Need to Take a Stand By Helen Thomas
Note reference to single payer.
Subject: Democrats Need to Take a Stand By Helen Thomas
Seattle Post-Intelligencer
January 4, 2008
Democrats Need to Take a Stand By Helen Thomas
After seven years of the Bush administration, who in
the U.S. does not want to see a dramatic change in the
nation's leadership?
For that reason the Republican candidates have an
uphill battle, since most of them have not distanced
themselves sufficiently from the failed stewardship of
President Bush.
On the Democratic side, Sens. Hillary Clinton of New
York and Barack Obama of Illinois say they are the true
advocates of change. But they are short on specifics.
Former Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina is more
definitive on one issue at least, saying he would bring
U.S. combat troops home from Iraq within 10 months.
He also is on the attack against poverty, corporate
greed, war profiteering and free trade pacts that cost
U.S. jobs.
Clinton emphasizes her 'experience' in the White House
as first lady, saying this makes her the best candidate
to bring about change.
But in 2002 as war clouds gathered, Clinton aligned
herself with the administration on a critical vote
giving Bush the green light in Iraq.
And four months ago she voted for the resolution that
could have paved the way for an attack on Iran.
The resolution - sponsored by Sens. Joe Lieberman, I-
Conn., and Jon Kyl, R-Ariz. - designates the Iranian
Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organization.
The U.S. National Intelligence Estimate recently
defused the threat of war by reporting that Iran in
2003 dropped plans to build a nuclear arsenal.
Of the Democrats' three top presidential seekers,
Clinton appears to be the least inclined toward
dramatic change on foreign policy.
But she may be able to trump Obama, whose campaign is
based on 'hope' and 'optimism' - ephemeral terms at a
time when the voters may be looking for solid answers
to America's pressing problems.
That's what the 2008 election is all about: answers.
All the candidates should be pinned down on how they
feel about Bush's concept of pre-emptive war;
wiretapping without a warrant; waterboarding and other
forms of torture; and the policy of 'rendition' -
sending prisoners to jails abroad where they are
subject to abusive interrogation while being held in
The presidential hopefuls also should be quizzed on the
lack of real oversight of CIA activities and immunity
for the telecom companies that have cooperated with the
administration's wiretapping schemes.
Their views are needed on privatizing the war with
thousands of gun-slinging mercenaries employed by
Blackwater and other private security firms. Assigned
to protect U.S. diplomats, they're paid handsomely -
some as much as $1,500 a day and more.
The candidates also should offer specifics on how they
will provide medical care for the 47 million Americans
without health insurance.
A single-payer system - much like what we have with
Social Security - is the most comprehensive solution,
but the candidates are avoiding it in favor of tweaks
to the haphazard, luck-of-the-draw coverage we have
Bush is trying to go green - belatedly - but the
environment and the future of the planet are issues
that have been neglected far too long.
There is also the economy, and the inroads that
globalization and free trade have made on U.S.
production capacity and the livelihoods of U.S.
workers. Manufacturing has fled the country and
globalization has proved to be a race to the economic
bottom rather than a boon for U.S. jobs.
And how about the unscrupulous mortgage lending
practices that yielded rampant housing foreclosures?
At this point, questions are in greater supply than
answers: Which of the candidates buys Bush's biggest
tax cuts for the richest Americans? What about how
federal agencies have been politicized while the
traditional, apolitical civil service has been gutted?
The candidates won't even touch the highly
controversial issues of capital punishment and gun
control. And you don't hear much about abortion rights
and gay marriage.
Those wedge issues have given a lift to conservatives
in the past. But now, they are nowhere near the top of
the agenda.
Once we get the answers on issues that do matter from
our would-be presidents, then we can all honestly wish
for peace on Earth in 2008.
Helen Thomas is a columnist for Hearst Newspapers. E-
mail: helent@hearstdc.com.
Alan L. Maki
Member, MN DFL State Central Committee
Director of Organizing, Midwest Casino Workers Organizing Council
58891 County Road 13
Warroad, Minnesota 56763
Phone: 218-386-2432
Cell phone: 651-587-5541
E-mail: amaki000@centurytel.net
Check out my blog:
Thoughts From Podunk
Looking for some interesting reading which is also a handbook for activists?
Check out: “Always Bring A Crowd; The Story of Frank Lumpkin, Steelworker” By: Beatrice Lumpkin
Find out how rank and file steel workers abandoned and sold out by their union fought International Harvestor and Wisconsin Steel and won their fight for justice and human dignity against powerful corporate interests. Frank Lumpkin looked for a leader… found none… and took on the task of leadership himself.
This book is destined to become a movie like “North Country.”